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Equities Summit - June 2024

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In a series of five presentations, we cover the opportunities presented by small and mid-cap stocks, market predictions surrounding the U.S. Presidential Election, and an in-depth analysis of earnings strength, the economy, and outlook for equities.

Join us as industry experts share their insights and strategies for the stock market to uncover high-value investment opportunities.

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Charles (Chad) Miller, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, Thrivent Asset Management

J O Hambro
Ben Leyland, CFA, Senior Fund Manager, J O Hambro Capital Management
Robert Lancastle, CFA, Senior Fund Manager, J O Hambro Capital Management

O'Leary Ventures
Kevin O'Leary, Chairman, O'Leary Ventures

CFRA Research
Sam Stovall, Chief Investment Strategist, CFRA Research

Hightower Advisors
Stephanie Link, Chief Investment Strategist and Head of Investment Solutions, Hightower Advisors


You must watch each video to qualify for 1 CE credit.

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